* class: Ping
#region Ping
public class Ping
// methods: Construction
// Constructor
public Ping()
// create command field
pingCommand = new byte[8];
pingCommand[0] = 8; // Type
pingCommand[1] = 0; // Subtype
pingCommand[2] = 0; // Checksum
pingCommand[3] = 0;
pingCommand[4] = 1; // Identifier
pingCommand[5] = 0;
pingCommand[6] = 0; // Sequence number
pingCommand[7] = 0;
// create result field
pingResult = new byte[pingCommand.Length + 20]; // 20 byte = returned IP Header
// methods: Open, Close, Send
// Open
public void Open()
// create socket and connect
socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Icmp);
isOpen = true;
// create read complete event
readComplete = new ManualResetEvent(false);
// Close
public void Close()
// clear open flag
isOpen = false;
// close socket
// close event
// Send
public TimeSpan Send(string address, TimeSpan timeout)
// empty result buffer
while (socket.Available > 0)
socket.Receive(pingResult, Math.Min(socket.Available, pingResult.Length), SocketFlags.None);
// reset event
// save start time
DateTime timeSend = DateTime.Now;
// complete ping command
pingCommand[6] = lastSequenceNr++;
// send ping command, start receive command
int iSend = socket.SendTo(pingCommand, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(address), 0));
socket.BeginReceive(pingResult, 0, pingResult.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(CallBack), null);
// wait until data received or timeout
if (readComplete.WaitOne(timeout, false))
// check result
if ((pingResult[20] == 0) &&
(pingCommand[4] == pingResult[24]) && (pingCommand[5] == pingResult[25]) &&
(pingCommand[6] == pingResult[26]) && (pingCommand[7] == pingResult[27]))
// return time delay
return DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeSend);
// return timeout
return TimeSpan.MaxValue;
// methods: CallBack
protected void CallBack(IAsyncResult result)
if (isOpen)
// methods: SetChecksum
protected void SetChecksum(byte[] tel)
// reset old checksum
tel[2] = 0;
tel[3] = 0;
// calculate new checksum
uint cs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pingCommand.Length; i = i+2)
cs += BitConverter.ToUInt16(pingCommand, i);
cs = ~((cs & 0xffffu) + (cs >> 16));
// set new checksum
tel[2] = (byte) cs;
tel[3] = (byte) (cs >> 8);
// fields
// socket and event
protected Socket socket;
protected bool isOpen;
protected ManualResetEvent readComplete;
protected byte lastSequenceNr = 0;
// ping command and result fields
protected byte[] pingCommand;
protected byte[] pingResult;