CodeXchange Sponsors
Without contributions from our sponsors this website and service would not be possible.
If you enjoy using CodeXchange please be sure to tell these sponsors that you appreciate
their funding.
DotNetPark is a Microsoft Windows-based web hosting provider.
Their packages are balanced and tailored to meet your entire web hosting needs.
Sand develop and support .NET products from frameworks to tools and websites for
companies and individuals world-wide. Our tools and frameworks allow developers
to quickly implement solutions.
The CodeXchange team wish to thank the following people for their bug reports ,
comments and suggestions, and for encouraging us to continue supporting and improving
the system :
- Ernesto Giralt
- Nolan Zak
- Ryan Cromwell
- Roy Kiesler
- Jason Jarret
- Patrick Bounaix
- Scott Cate
- Bernard S.
- John Saunders
- Bartek Szabat
- Charlie Williams
- Pablo Peiro Muntadas
Copyright ©2009-2025 CodeXchange. Server version 1.0.3720.32855 Client Version With from Barcelona
Most Helpful members
These are the
members who have received the most points for their helpful samples Zepho Zep | Robert Wagner | Galen Taylor |
All time 'Hall of fame' |
Formating a file size and adding the B, KB, MB and GB extension appropriately with string.Format (C#) | INI File Access (VB.NET) | Read XML from string into DataSet (C#) | Create Manifest File for your Application (VB.NET) | Round function to avoid banker's rounding (VB.NET) |
Get Short and Long Path Names (VB.NET) | Sending Mail through authenticated SMTP server (C#) | One Way Hash for strings (C#) | Formating a file size and adding the B, KB, MB and GB extension appropriately with string.Format (C#) | How do I load an image from a URI address? (VB.NET) |
Use our easy to use Visual Studio.NET
addin client and start sharing code snippets with the CodeXchange community! |
Tuesday, March 11, 2025