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Summary: Display Currency as text (Dollars & Cents)
Language: VB.NET
Author: Mark Conway
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Culture: en-US
Bytes: 3392
Visual Studio 2005 Snippet:

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 Public Function CurrencyText(ByVal CurrencyValue As Double) As String
        Dim Cents As Integer
        Dim Dollars As String
        Dim Units(9) As String
        Dim Teens(9) As String
        Dim Tens(9) As String
        Teens(0) = "Ten" : Tens(0) = ""
        Units(1) = "One" : Teens(1) = "Eleven" : Tens(1) = "Ten"
        Units(2) = "Two" : Teens(2) = "Twelve" : Tens(2) = "Twenty"
        Units(3) = "Three" : Teens(3) = "Thirteen" : Tens(3) = "Thirty"
        Units(4) = "Four" : Teens(4) = "Fourteen" : Tens(4) = "Forty"
        Units(5) = "Five" : Teens(5) = "Fifteen" : Tens(5) = "Fifty"
        Units(6) = "Six" : Teens(6) = "Sixteen" : Tens(6) = "Sixty"
        Units(7) = "Seven" : Teens(7) = "Seventeen" : Tens(7) = "Seventy"
        Units(8) = "Eight" : Teens(8) = "Eighteen" : Tens(8) = "Eighty"
        Units(9) = "Nine" : Teens(9) = "Nineteen" : Tens(9) = "Ninety"
        Cents = (CurrencyValue - Int(CurrencyValue)) * 100
        Dollars = Format(Int(CurrencyValue), "000000000")
        Select Case Cents
            Case 0
                CurrencyText = "and 00/100 Dollars"
            Case Else
                CurrencyText = "and " & Format(Cents, " 00") & "/100 Dollars"
        End Select
        Select Case Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 1, 1) 'tens digit
            Case "1" 'last two digits are teens
                CurrencyText = Teens(Val(Right(Dollars, 1))) & " &" & CurrencyText
            Case Else
                CurrencyText = Tens(Val(Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 1, 1))) & " " & _
      Units(Val(Right(Dollars, 1))) & " &" & CurrencyText
        End Select
        If Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 2, 1) <> "0" Then 'hundreds digit
            CurrencyText = Units(Val(Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 2, 1))) & " Hundred " & CurrencyText
        End If
        Dollars = Left(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 3) 'trim off hundreds,tens, & units
        If Right(Dollars, 3) <> "000" Then 'no thousands
            Select Case Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 1, 1) 'ten thousand digit
                Case "1" 'last two digits are teens
                    CurrencyText = Teens(Val(Right(Dollars, 1))) & " Thousand " & CurrencyText
                Case Else
                    CurrencyText = Tens(Val(Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 1, 1))) & " " & _
       Units(Val(Right(Dollars, 1))) & " Thousand " & CurrencyText
            End Select
            If Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 2, 1) <> "0" Then 'thousands digit
                CurrencyText = Units(Val(Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 2, 1))) & " Hundred " & CurrencyText
            End If
        End If
        Dollars = Left(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 3) 'trim off thousands...leave millions
        If Right(Dollars, 3) <> "000" Then 'no millions
            Select Case Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 1, 1) 'ten million digit
                Case "1" 'last two digits are teens
                    CurrencyText = Teens(Val(Right(Dollars, 1))) & " Million " & CurrencyText
                Case Else
                    CurrencyText = Tens(Val(Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 1, 1))) & " " & _
       Units(Val(Right(Dollars, 1))) & " Million " & CurrencyText
            End Select
            If Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 2, 1) <> "0" Then 'millions digit
                CurrencyText = Units(Val(Mid(Dollars, Len(Dollars) - 2, 1))) & " Hundred " & CurrencyText
            End If
        End If
    End Function

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Refreshed: Saturday, December 21, 2024