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Summary: FileShareClient.cs
Language: C#
Author: Robert Wagner
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Culture: en-US
Bytes: 31784
Visual Studio 2005 Snippet:

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namespace App_NameFileShare {
    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.WinForms;
    using System.Net.Sockets;
    using System.Net ;
    using System.Threading ;
    using System.IO ;
    ///    This is the client Form 
    public class FileShareClient : System.WinForms.Form {
    ///    Required by the Win Forms designer 
   private System.ComponentModel.Container components;
    private System.WinForms.StatusBar statusBar1;
    private System.WinForms.RichTextBox clientlogt;
    private System.WinForms.Label logl;
    private System.WinForms.ListBox downlistBox;
    private System.WinForms.Label downl;
    private System.WinForms.ListBox uploadlistBox;
    private System.WinForms.Label uploadl;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBarButton toolBarButton4;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBarButton downloadb;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBarButton toolBarButton3;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBarButton uploadb;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBarButton toolBarButton2;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBarButton dicsob;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBarButton toolBarButton1;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBarButton connectb;
    private System.WinForms.ToolBar toolBar1;
    private System.WinForms.MainMenu mainMenu1;
    private int port=4455 ;
    private Socket clientsocket=null ;
   private string user ;
   private string address ;
   private string updir ;
   private string dldir ;
   private clientdialog ctdl ;
   private Thread clientthread ;
   private bool connected=false ;
   private bool locked=false ;
    private string readwrite ;  
    private File[] upfiles ;
    ///     This is the Constructor
   public FileShareClient() 
            // Required for Win Form Designer support
    ///    Clean up any resources being used
    public override void Dispose() {
         SendMessage(clientsocket,"QUIT "+user) ;
         clientlogt.Text+="Disconnected !!" ;
        ///    The main entry point for the application.
        public static void Main(string[] args) {
            Application.Run(new FileShareClient());

        ///    Required method for Designer support 
    private void InitializeComponent()
      this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
      this.logl = new System.WinForms.Label();
      this.uploadlistBox = new System.WinForms.ListBox();
      this.downloadb = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton();
      this.downl = new System.WinForms.Label();
      this.uploadb = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton();
      this.statusBar1 = new System.WinForms.StatusBar();
      this.downlistBox = new System.WinForms.ListBox();
      this.uploadl = new System.WinForms.Label();
      this.clientlogt = new System.WinForms.RichTextBox();
      this.dicsob = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton();
      this.connectb = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton();
      this.toolBar1 = new System.WinForms.ToolBar();
      this.toolBarButton4 = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton();
      this.toolBarButton3 = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton();
      this.toolBarButton2 = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton();
      this.mainMenu1 = new System.WinForms.MainMenu();
      this.toolBarButton1 = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton();
      MenuItem FileMenu = new MenuItem("File");
      FileMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Connect", new EventHandler(clientconnect)));
         FileMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));
        FileMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Disconnect", new EventHandler(clientdisconnect)));
        FileMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));
        FileMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Exit", new EventHandler(clientexit)));
        MenuItem TransferMenu = new MenuItem("File Transfer");
      TransferMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Donwload File", new EventHandler(downfile))) ;
      TransferMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("-"));
      TransferMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Upload File", new EventHandler(uploadfile))) ;
      MenuItem ContactMenu = new MenuItem("Contact Me");
      ContactMenu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Contact", new EventHandler(contactme))) ;
      //@design this.TrayHeight = 90;
      //@design this.TrayLargeIcon = false;
      //@design this.TrayAutoArrange = true;
      logl.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(224, 40);
      logl.Text = "Client Connection Log";
      logl.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(151, 16);
      logl.AutoSize = true;
      logl.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
      logl.TabIndex = 0;
      logl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange;
      uploadlistBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 64);
      uploadlistBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 139);
      uploadlistBox.HorizontalScrollbar = true;
      uploadlistBox.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
      uploadlistBox.TabIndex = 5;
      downloadb.Text = "Download File";
      downloadb.ToolTipText = "Click to download selected file from server";
      downl.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 216);
      downl.Text = "Files to Download";
      downl.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(122, 16);
      downl.AutoSize = true;
      downl.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
      downl.TabIndex = 3;
      downl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange;
      uploadb.Text = "Upload File";
      uploadb.ToolTipText = "Click here to upload the selected file to server";
      statusBar1.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control;
      statusBar1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 393);
      statusBar1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(492, 20);
      statusBar1.TabIndex = 0;
      statusBar1.Text = "Ready to Connect";
      downlistBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 240);
      downlistBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 139);
      downlistBox.HorizontalScrollbar = true;
      downlistBox.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
      downlistBox.TabIndex = 6;
      uploadl.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 40);
      uploadl.Text = "Files to Upload";
      uploadl.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(103, 16);
      uploadl.AutoSize = true;
      uploadl.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
      uploadl.TabIndex = 0;
      uploadl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange;
      clientlogt.ReadOnly = true;
      clientlogt.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(256, 320);
      clientlogt.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
      clientlogt.TabIndex = 0;
      clientlogt.AutoSize = true;
      clientlogt.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
      clientlogt.AcceptsTab = true;
      clientlogt.TabStop = false;
      clientlogt.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(224, 64);
      clientlogt.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Orange;
      dicsob.Text = "Disconnect";
      dicsob.Pushed = true;
      dicsob.ToolTipText = "Click Here to Disconnect from Server";
      connectb.Text = "Connect";
      connectb.ToolTipText = "Click here to connect to Server";
      toolBar1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(492, 30);
      toolBar1.BorderStyle = System.WinForms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
      toolBar1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 9f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
      toolBar1.DropDownArrows = true;
      toolBar1.TabIndex = 1;
      toolBar1.TabStop = true;
      toolBar1.ShowToolTips = true;
      toolBar1.TextAlign = System.WinForms.ToolBarTextAlign.Right;
      toolBar1.Buttons.All = new System.WinForms.ToolBarButton[] {connectb,
      toolBar1.ButtonClick+=new ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler(tools) ;
      toolBarButton4.Style = System.WinForms.ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator;
      toolBarButton3.Style = System.WinForms.ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator;
      toolBarButton2.Style = System.WinForms.ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator;
      //@design mainMenu1.SetLocation(new System.Drawing.Point(7, 7));
      toolBarButton1.Style = System.WinForms.ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator;
      this.Text = "FileShare Client" ; 
      this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
      this.Menu = mainMenu1;
      this.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Desktop;
      this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(492, 413);
      ///      This method gets called when the user clicks on the connect Menu
      ///      This method shows a Custom Dialog which contains all the 
      ///      client settings. 
      ///      It then gets the value from the dialog and starts connecting to the 
      ///      Speficied Server .
      private void clientconnect(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //Make a instance of our custom Dialog
         ctdl = new clientdialog() ;
         //Get the result pressed by the user on the Dialog
         DialogResult ret = ctdl.ShowDialog(this) ;
         //If the user pressed 'Ok' then assign the values to
         //our variables.
         if(ret == DialogResult.OK) {
               this.port=int.Parse(ctdl.portt.Text) ;
               this.address=ctdl.servert.Text ;
               this.updir = ctdl.fileupt.Text ;
               this.dldir=ctdl.filedlt.Text ;
               this.user=ctdl.usert.Text ;
               MessageBox.Show(this,"The directory to Download Files Does not Exist \n Try Connecting Again");
            else if(!Directory.DirectoryExists(updir))
               MessageBox.Show(this,"The directory to Upload Files Does not Exist \n Try Connecting Again");
               //clear the log screen
               //set the buttons
                  dicsob.Pushed=false ;
               connectb.Pushed=true ;
               statusBar1.Text="Connecting to Server... ";
               //to get the Upload and Download directories
               //call the Method which gets the files and updates
               //them in our ListBoxes
               //Call the method which will connect to the 
      ///      This method is called when the client clicks the 
      ///      Disconnect menuitem. It closes the connection to the server
      ///      and resets the buttons and listboxes. 
      private void clientdisconnect(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //If a socket connection Exisis then close it
            SendMessage(clientsocket, "QUIT "+user) ;
         //Abort the client thread
         //reset the Buttons
         clientlogt.Text+="Disconnected !!" ;
         downloadb.Pushed=false ;
         uploadb.Pushed=false ;
         connectb.Pushed=false ;
      ///      This method is called when the user clicks the Exit Menuitem.
      ///      It calls the Dispose() method to exit the program
      private void clientexit(object sender, EventArgs e)
      ///      This is the method called when the user clicks the 
      ///      Download Menuitem.
      ///      It has the code to Download the selected file from the server 
      private void downfile(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //check for connection and if some other download or
         //upload process is already going on.
         if(connected && !locked)
            //Get the File selected for download
               MessageBox.Show(this,"Please Select a file to download first and then click download") ;
               //Get the File Selected for doenload from the ListBox
               string selefile =(string)downlistBox.SelectedItem ;
               //Send the Server "DOWN" command with the FileName to download
               //from the server
               SendMessage(clientsocket ,"DOWN "+selefile) ;
               //set a global variable with the Filename
               readwrite=selefile ;
               clientlogt.Text+="Sending Download Request to server for file "+selefile+"\n" ;
               clientthread=null ;
               downloadb.Pushed=true ;
               uploadb.Pushed=true ;
               //Set the buttons and start the Downloading method "DownloadFile" in a 
               Thread downthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DownloadFile)) ;
               downthread.Start() ;
      ///      This method gets called when the user clicks on the Upload MenuItem
      ///      It takes care of all the Upload procedure
      private void uploadfile(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //Check if connection is present and if any other upload
         //or download process is going on.
         if(connected && !locked)
            //Get the File Selected for upload from the ListBox
               MessageBox.Show(this,"Please Select a file to upload first and then click Upload") ;
                  string selefile =uploadlistBox.SelectedItem.ToString() ;
                  File ftemp = new File(selefile) ;
                  //Construct a string to send to the server with the Command "UPFL"
                  //With the Command the client also sends the FileName and the 
                  //File Length
                  string ttt = "UPFL "+ftemp.FullName+"@"+ftemp.Length.ToString() ;
                  //Send the message
                  SendMessage(clientsocket ,ttt) ;
                  //Set a global variable for the Selected file
                  readwrite=selefile ;
                  //Do some buttons and Log settings
                  clientlogt.Text+="Sending Upload Request to server for file "+selefile+"\n" ;
                  downloadb.Pushed=true ;
                  uploadb.Pushed=true ;
                  //Start a thread on the Method "UploadFile" 
                  Thread upthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UploadFile)) ;
                  upthread.Start() ;
               catch(Exception eg)
                  MessageBox.Show(this,"Exception occured in upload click "+eg.ToString());
                  downloadb.Pushed=false ;
                  uploadb.Pushed=false ;
      ///      Method called when the Help MenuItem is clicked
      private void contactme(object sender, EventArgs e)
         MessageBox.Show(this,"This is the FileShare Client") ; 
      ///      This method is the event handler for the the ToolBar buttons.
      ///      The code here is the same repeat of the Above "Connect", "Disconnect"
      ///      ,"Download" and "Upload" MenuItem Methods 
      private void tools(object sender,  ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e)
            ctdl = new clientdialog() ;
            DialogResult ret = ctdl.ShowDialog(this) ;
            if(ret == DialogResult.OK) {
                  this.port=int.Parse(ctdl.portt.Text) ;
                  this.address=ctdl.servert.Text ;
                  this.updir = ctdl.fileupt.Text ;
                  this.dldir=ctdl.filedlt.Text ;
                  this.user=ctdl.usert.Text ;
                  MessageBox.Show(this,"The directory to Download Files Does not Exist \n Try Connecting Again");
               else if(!Directory.DirectoryExists(updir))
                  MessageBox.Show(this,"The directory to Upload Files Does not Exist \n Try Connecting Again");
                     dicsob.Pushed=false ;
                  connectb.Pushed=true ;
                  statusBar1.Text="Connecting To Server ...";
         else if(e.button==dicsob)
               SendMessage(clientsocket, "QUIT "+user) ;
            clientlogt.Text+="Disconnected !!";
            connectb.Pushed=false ;
            downloadb.Pushed=false ;
            uploadb.Pushed=false ;
         else if(e.button==uploadb)
            if(connected && !locked)
                  MessageBox.Show(this,"Please Select a file to upload first and then click Upload") ;
                  string selefile =uploadlistBox.SelectedItem.ToString() ;
                  File ftemp = new File(selefile) ;
                  SendMessage(clientsocket ,"UPFL "+ftemp.FullName+"@"+ftemp.Length) ;
                  readwrite=selefile ;
                  clientlogt.Text+="Sending Upload Request to server for file "+selefile+"\n" ;
                  downloadb.Pushed=true ;
                  uploadb.Pushed=true ;
                  Thread upthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UploadFile)) ;
                  upthread.Start() ;
         else if(e.button==downloadb)
            if(connected && !locked)
                  MessageBox.Show(this,"Please Select a file to download first and then click download") ;
                  string selefile =(string)downlistBox.SelectedItem ;
                  SendMessage(clientsocket ,"DOWN "+selefile) ;
                  readwrite=selefile ;
                  clientlogt.Text+="Sending Download Request to server for file "+selefile+"\n" ;
                  downloadb.Pushed=true ;
                  uploadb.Pushed=true ;
                  Thread downthread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DownloadFile)) ;
                  downthread.Start() ;
      ///      This method Will connect to the Server using the settings
      ///      specified by the client properties dialog.
      public void InitilizeConn()
            //Initilize a socket of the Typr TCP
            clientsocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.AfINet,SocketType.SockStream,ProtocolType.ProtTCP);
            clientlogt.Text+="Trying to connect to Server ......\r" ;
            //Resolve the DNS of the server
            IPAddress host_addr = DNS.Resolve(address);
            //Create a IPEndPoint to the Server
            IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(host_addr, port);
            //Check if the client could connect to the Server
            //If the client is connected Zero is returned
               //Start a Thread on the Method "doTalk" whic will handle
               //futher talking with the server
               statusBar1.Text="Connected !!";
               clientlogt.Text+="Connected to Server: "+ep.ToString()+" \r" ;
               clientthread =  new Thread(new ThreadStart(doTalk)) ;
               clientthread.Start() ;
               //Else there was a error Connecting
               downloadb.Pushed=false ;
               uploadb.Pushed=false ;
               connectb.Pushed=false ;
               statusBar1.Text="Error" ;
               clientlogt.Text="Error: Cannot Connect to Server !!";
         catch(Exception ed)
            downloadb.Pushed=false ;
            uploadb.Pushed=false ;
            connectb.Pushed=false ;
            statusBar1.Text="Error" ;
            Console.WriteLine("Exception occured in Connecting to Server :"+ed.ToString()) ;
         ///      A Method which will resolve the Files in the Upload and 
         ///      download directory and add it to the ListBox
         private void GetDirs()
            //check the dirctory
            if(Directory.DirectoryExists(updir)) {
               //Make a global variable containing all the files in the Upload Directory
               upfiles = Directory.GetFilesInDirectory(updir) ;
               //add the files to the ListBox
               foreach (File f in upfiles)
      ///      This Method runs in a Thread called from the InitilizeConn method.
      ///      This method does the Sending and receiving of normal commands with the server
      private void doTalk()
         //Bool variable to indicate if initial talk between the Client
         //and server is going on
         bool StayConnected=true ;
            string ServerCommand ;
            //Declare a Byte receive buffer
            byte[] recs = new byte[2048];
               //Receive Bytes from the Server           
               int scount = clientsocket.Receive(recs , recs.Length,0) ;
               //Decode the Server Message to String
               string servermessage = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(recs) ;
               //check if the server sent more than one Byte
               if(scount >0)
                  //Call a method ParseMessage with the Server Message as a Parameter
                  // This Method will extract the Server Comand from the Server Message
                  ServerCommand = ParseMessage(servermessage) ;
                  //If no message is received then assume a custom Command
                  ServerCommand="NOOP" ;
               //Call a method ParseComand with parameters as the Server Command and the Server Message
               //This method does action depending on the server command
               //It returns a Bool value depending on the server Command
               StayConnected = ParseCommand(ServerCommand , servermessage) ;
            catch(Exception ec)
               statusBar1.Text="Error!!" ;
               StayConnected = false ; 
               MessageBox.Show(this,"Exception Occured while Talking to Server :"+ec.ToString()) ;
      ///      This Method is Used to send Messages to the Server using the 
      ///      Socket connection
      private void SendMessage(Socket sendsock , string message)
         //Fill up a Byte array with the Command to send to the server encoded
         //in ASCII format
         byte[] sender = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message.ToCharArray()) ;
         //Send the Message
         sendsock.Send(sender, sender.Length,0) ;
      ///      This method takes Server Message as a Parameter and 
      ///      send back the server command from the message
      private string ParseMessage(string clientlogt)
         string ServerCommand ;
            return "NOOP" ;
         //The Command Length is 4 so we substring the first 4 
         //Bytes from the Message
         ServerCommand = clientlogt.Substring(0,4) ;
         return ServerCommand ;
      ///      This message Get the Server Command and Server Message as Parameters
      ///      It Then Takes Care of all Executing to be done depending on the Server Command 
      private bool ParseCommand(string ServerCommand , string servermessage ) 
            //This is the First Message Sent by the server upon
            //receiving the Client Connection request
            string temp = servermessage.Substring(4) ;
            string mes= temp.Trim() ;
            clientlogt.Text+="Server :"+mes+" \r";
            //In response to this Command we Reply with the "USER" Command
            //along with it We send our Username to the Server
            SendMessage(clientsocket,"USER "+user) ;
            connected=true ;
            return true ;
            //A command to do Nothing
            return true ;
            //This Command is sent by the server along wiht a list of all the files it is
            //offering for download
            //Individual FileNames are Seperated by a "@" sign
            string temp = servermessage.Substring(6) ;
            string mes= temp.Trim() ;
            string[] temp2= mes.Split(new char[]{'@'}) ;
            //Breakup the Server string and Fillup the ListBox with the
            //FileName only of the Files available for download
            foreach(string s in temp2)
               int i = s.LastIndexOf("\\") ;
               downlistBox.InsertItem(0,s.Substring(i+1)) ;
            return false ;
            //This command is sent by the Server to Indicate that it has
            //Received the Uploaded file
            return true ;
         //If some other command is sent the return False
         return false ;
      ///      This method takes care of download the file from the Server
      private void DownloadFile()
         //Declare some variable that will be used later
         bool done =false ;
         bool check= false ;
         locked=true ;
         long size=0 ;
         long rby=0 ;
            //declare a buffer
            byte[] rce = new byte[2048] ;
            //Recive a Sever Message
            int i = clientsocket.Receive(rce,rce.Length,0) ;
            //Convert it to string
            string servermessage = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rce);
               //Parse the Message to get the Server Command
               string command = ParseMessage(servermessage);
               //Check if the command is SIZE 
               //this command is sent along with the Size of the File 
               //Which the client Requested for download
                  string temp = servermessage.Substring(4) ;
                  string mes= temp.Trim() ;
                  //store the File Size 
                  size=Int64.Parse(mes) ;
                  clientlogt.Text+="Receiving File of "+size+" bytes \n";
                  //Send a "SEND" command to the server which will
                  //make the server send the File
                  SendMessage(clientsocket , "SEND "+readwrite );
                  done=true ;
                  check=true ;
                  //a "NOPE" command is returned when the File asked if not availabe or
                  //if server has restricted downloads
                  string temp = servermessage.Substring(4) ;
                  string mes= temp.Trim() ;
                  clientlogt.Text+="File Receive Error "+mes+" \n" ;
                  downloadb.Pushed=false ;
                  uploadb.Pushed=false ;
                  done=true ;
                  //We send a "OHHH" command in response
                  SendMessage(clientsocket ,"OHHH No Problem") ;
                  check=false ;
         //The File Size has been received the continue 
         done=false ;
         //Make a File with the same name as the File that is being downloaded
         //Also open a Network Stream to the Server
         FileStream fout = new FileStream(dldir+readwrite, FileMode.OpenOrCreate , FileAccess.Write) ;         
         NetworkStream nfs = new NetworkStream(clientsocket) ;
         byte[] buffer = new byte[4096] ;
         statusBar1.Text="Downloading File from Server..." ;
               long v=0 ;
               //loop till the Full bytes have been read
                  //Read from the Network Stream
                  int i = nfs.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length) ;
                     //Some checking done to detremine the number of Bytes to be written
                        v=4096 ;
                     else if(i<4096 &&(size-rby)>=4096)
                        v= i;
                        v=(size-rby) ;
                     //Write the Bytes received to the File
                     fout.Write(buffer,0,(int)v) ;
                     rby=rby+v ;
               clientlogt.Text+="File Received sucessfully "+rby+"bytes \n";
               //Send a "RECD" Command to the Server in response
               statusBar1.Text="File Downloaded" ;
               SendMessage(clientsocket,"RECD File!!") ;
               downloadb.Pushed=false ;
               uploadb.Pushed=false ;
               fout.Close() ;
               done=true ;
               locked=false ;
            catch(Exception ed)
               statusBar1.Text="Error!!" ;
               MessageBox.Show(this,"A Exception occured in file transfer"+ed.ToString());
         ///      This method taks care of Uploading the Selected File to the Server
         private void UploadFile()
            //Set some Variables
            bool check =true ;
            locked=true ;
            bool done =false ;
            int  i=0 ;
            long rdby=0 ;
            File ftemp = new File(readwrite) ;
            long total = ftemp.Length ;
            ftemp=null ;
            byte[] rce = new byte[2048] ;
            string servermessage ;
               //Receive Bytes from the Server
               i = clientsocket.Receive(rce,rce.Length,0) ;
               servermessage = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rce);
                  //Parse the Server Message to get the Command
                  string command = ParseMessage(servermessage);
                     //Server Sends a "SEND" command if it allows the client to upload files
                     string temp = servermessage.Substring(4) ;
                     string mes= temp.Trim() ;
                     clientlogt.Text+="Server Ready to Accept File \n";
                     done=true ;
                     check=true ;
                     //A "NOPE" Command is sent if the Server does not allow Uploading 
                     string temp = servermessage.Substring(4) ;
                     string mes= temp.Trim() ;
                     clientlogt.Text+="File Send Error "+mes+" \n" ;
                     downloadb.Pushed=false ;
                     uploadb.Pushed=false ;
                     done=true ;
                     //Send a Response to the Server
                     SendMessage(clientsocket ,"OHHH No Problem") ;
                     check=false ;
            //If the Server has Requested to Send the file then open up the 
            //FileStreams to the file to be Uploaded
            statusBar1.Text="Uploading File to Server" ;
            FileStream fin = new FileStream(readwrite , FileMode.Open , FileAccess.Read) ;
            byte[] reader = new byte[4096] ;
            //Loop till the File is totaly read
               //Read from the File
               i = fin.Read(reader,0,reader.Length) ;
               //Send the Bytes to the Server
               clientsocket.Send(reader,i,0) ;
               rdby=rdby+i ;
            done=false ;
               //After finishing Sending the File Wait for a Server Command
               i = clientsocket.Receive(rce,rce.Length,0) ;
               servermessage = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rce);
                  string command = ParseMessage(servermessage);
                     //Server Sends a "RECD" Command if the file was receive sucessfully
                     statusBar1.Text="File Uploaded" ;
                     string temp = servermessage.Substring(4) ;
                     string mes= temp.Trim() ;
                     Console.WriteLine("Server Received File :"+mes) ;
                     downloadb.Pushed=false ;
                     uploadb.Pushed=false ;
                     clientlogt.Text+="Server Received File \n";
                     locked=false ;
                     done=true ;
    }//client class
   ///      This is a Class which will be our Client Dialog Class
    public class clientdialog : System.WinForms.Form {
        ///    Required by the Win Forms designer 
   private System.ComponentModel.Container components;
    private System.WinForms.ToolTip toolTip1;
    private System.WinForms.Button defaultb;
   public System.WinForms.TextBox filedlt;
    private System.WinForms.Label fdll;
    public System.WinForms.TextBox usert;
    private System.WinForms.Label userl;
    public System.WinForms.TextBox servert;
    private System.WinForms.Label serverl;
    private System.WinForms.Button cancelb;
    private System.WinForms.Button okb;
    public System.WinForms.TextBox fileupt;
    private System.WinForms.Label fupl;
    public System.WinForms.TextBox portt;
    private System.WinForms.Label portl;
    private System.WinForms.Label lb1;
    ///     Constructor of the Class
      public clientdialog() {
         // Required for Win Form Designer support
        ///    Clean up any resources being used
        public override void Dispose() {
        ///    Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        ///    the contents of this method with an editor
        private void InitializeComponent()
      this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
      this.servert = new System.WinForms.TextBox();
      this.fupl = new System.WinForms.Label();

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