using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace IssueVision
// Windows event log helper.
public class EventLogHelper
private const string m_eventLogSource = "IssueVision Smart Client 1.0";
private EventLogHelper()
// Checks for the existing of an event source. Returns true if the event
// source exists; otherwise false is returned.
public static bool Exists(string eventSourceName)
return EventLog.Exists(eventSourceName);
// Creates an event source name for the windows application event log.
public static void CreateSource(string eventSourceName)
if (!EventLog.Exists(eventSourceName))
EventLog.CreateEventSource(eventSourceName, "Application");
// Removes an event source name from the windows application event log.
public static void RemoveSource(string eventSourceName)
if (EventLog.Exists(eventSourceName))
EventLog.DeleteEventSource(eventSourceName, "Application");
// Logs an error to the application log.
public static void LogError(string message)
LogEvent(m_eventLogSource, message, EventLogEntryType.Error);
// Logs a failure audit message to the application event log.
public static void LogFailureAudit(string message)
LogEvent(m_eventLogSource, message, EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit);
// Logs a sucess audit message to the application event log.
public static void LogSuccessAudit(string message)
LogEvent(m_eventLogSource, message, EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit);
// Logs a warning message to the application event log.
public static void LogWarning(string message)
LogEvent(m_eventLogSource, message, EventLogEntryType.Warning);
// Logs an information message to the application event log.
public static void LogInformation(string message)
LogEvent(m_eventLogSource, message, EventLogEntryType.Information);
// Log an message to the Windows Application Event Log with a specified type.
private static void LogEvent(string eventLogSource, string message, EventLogEntryType eventLogEntryType)
EventLog.WriteEntry(eventLogSource, message, eventLogEntryType);