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Summary: CSV parser for C#
Language: C#
Author: J.Marc Piulachs
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Culture: en-US
Bytes: 5166
Visual Studio 2005 Snippet:

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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace JouniHeikniemi.Tools.Text {
  /// A data-reader style interface for reading CSV files.
  public class CSVReader : IDisposable {
    #region Private variables
    private Stream stream;
    private StreamReader reader;
    /// Create a new reader for the given stream.
    /// The stream to read the CSV from.
    public CSVReader(Stream s) : this(s, null) { }
    /// Create a new reader for the given stream and encoding.
    /// The stream to read the CSV from.
    /// The encoding used.
    public CSVReader(Stream s, Encoding enc) { = s;
      if (!s.CanRead) {
        throw new CSVReaderException("Could not read the given CSV stream!");
      reader = (enc != null) ? new StreamReader(s, enc) : new StreamReader(s);
    /// Creates a new reader for the given text file path.
    /// The name of the file to be read.
    public CSVReader(string filename) : this(filename, null) { }
    /// Creates a new reader for the given text file path and encoding.
    /// The name of the file to be read.
    /// The encoding used.
    public CSVReader(string filename, Encoding enc) 
      : this(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open), enc) { }
    /// Returns the fields for the next row of CSV data (or null if at eof)
    /// A string array of fields or null if at the end of file.
    public string[] GetCSVLine() {
      string data = reader.ReadLine();
      if (data == null) return null;
      if (data.Length == 0) return new string[0];
      ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
      ParseCSVFields(result, data);
      return (string[])result.ToArray(typeof(string));
    // Parses the CSV fields and pushes the fields into the result arraylist
    private void ParseCSVFields(ArrayList result, string data) {
      int pos = -1;
      while (pos < data.Length)
        result.Add(ParseCSVField(data, ref pos));
    // Parses the field at the given position of the data, modified pos to match
    // the first unparsed position and returns the parsed field
    private string ParseCSVField(string data, ref int startSeparatorPosition) {
      if (startSeparatorPosition == data.Length-1) {
        // The last field is empty
        return "";
      int fromPos = startSeparatorPosition + 1;
      // Determine if this is a quoted field
      if (data[fromPos] == '"') {
        // If we're at the end of the string, let's consider this a field that
        // only contains the quote
        if (fromPos == data.Length-1) {
          return "\"";
        // Otherwise, return a string of appropriate length with double quotes collapsed
        // Note that FSQ returns data.Length if no single quote was found
        int nextSingleQuote = FindSingleQuote(data, fromPos+1);
        startSeparatorPosition = nextSingleQuote+1;
        return data.Substring(fromPos+1, nextSingleQuote-fromPos-1).Replace("\"\"", "\"");
      // The field ends in the next comma or EOL
      int nextComma = data.IndexOf(',', fromPos);
      if (nextComma == -1) {
        startSeparatorPosition = data.Length;
        return data.Substring(fromPos);
      else {
        startSeparatorPosition = nextComma;
        return data.Substring(fromPos, nextComma-fromPos);
    // Returns the index of the next single quote mark in the string 
    // (starting from startFrom)
    private int FindSingleQuote(string data, int startFrom) {
      int i = startFrom-1;
      while (++i < data.Length)
        if (data[i] == '"') {
          // If this is a double quote, bypass the chars
          if (i < data.Length-1 && data[i+1] == '"') {
            return i;
      // If no quote found, return the end value of i (data.Length)
      return i;
    /// Disposes the CSVReader. The underlying stream is closed.
    public void Dispose() {
      // Closing the reader closes the underlying stream, too
      if (reader != null) reader.Close();
      else if (stream != null)
        stream.Close(); // In case we failed before the reader was constructed

  /// Exception class for CSVReader exceptions.
  public class CSVReaderException : ApplicationException { 
    /// Constructs a new exception object with the given message.
    /// The exception message.
    public CSVReaderException(string message) : base(message) { }

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Refreshed: Saturday, December 21, 2024