CodeXchange Visual Studio.NET Addin requires:
- PC with 300MHz Pentium® processor and MMX® technology.
- 64 MB RAM (128MB Recommended)
- Microsoft® Windows 98, Microsoft® Windows Me, Microsoft® Windows 2000, or Microsoft®
Windows XP.
- Optional: 56K Internet connection speed or better.
- Visual Studio.NET 2002/2003 with .NET Framework 1.0/1.1 or Visual Studio 2005 with
.NET Framework 2.0
Note : Uninstall any previous versions of CodeXchange that you may be running
before installing this version.
Close all running instances of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET . Check the process
tab of the task manager in order to verify that no instance is running.
(All downloads are currently available in English only.)
Copyright ©2009-2025 CodeXchange. Server version 1.0.3720.32855 Client Version With from Barcelona
Most Helpful members
These are the
members who have received the most points for their helpful samples Zepho Zep | Robert Wagner | Galen Taylor |
All time 'Hall of fame' |
Formating a file size and adding the B, KB, MB and GB extension appropriately with string.Format (C#) | INI File Access (VB.NET) | Read XML from string into DataSet (C#) | Create Manifest File for your Application (VB.NET) | Round function to avoid banker's rounding (VB.NET) |
Get Short and Long Path Names (VB.NET) | Sending Mail through authenticated SMTP server (C#) | One Way Hash for strings (C#) | Formating a file size and adding the B, KB, MB and GB extension appropriately with string.Format (C#) | How do I load an image from a URI address? (VB.NET) |
Use our easy to use Visual Studio.NET
addin client and start sharing code snippets with the CodeXchange community! |
Tuesday, March 11, 2025